OIC Indore

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

A Bachelor of Science (B.Sc., BSc, or B.Sc) is an undergraduate academic degree awarded for completed courses that generally last three years of duration.

B.Sc. (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics)

“Bachelor of Science” is an attempt to initiate the multi-dimensional logical thinking and reasoning capabilities. It will help to apply the principles of basic mathematics to solve related technical problems.These core subjects have developed the competencies for most of the technical, scientific, logical and practical approach in learning of life skills.

B.Sc. (Zoology, Chemistry, Botany)

‘Bachelor of Science” biological science enables the way of observation, theoretical and experimental explanations to students for investigation of natural phenomenon in plant and animal kingdom occurrence.

B.Sc. (Seed Technology, Horticulture science, Botany)

Bachelors program of seed technology & Horticulture teach the students about natural phenomenon, artificial techniques for seed cultivation, germination, hybridization, plant cultivation, grafting, and gardening. Students of the program can identify the need and required environment for the seeding & gardening process and use the relevant tools for the better productivity, development of aesthetic landscape and thematic garden.

B.Sc. (Physics, Mathematics, Computer sciences)

“Bachelor of Science”The program enable the graduates as an advanced  communicator and capable of selecting equipment as multimedia, electrical, laser. Workings in a team for product development with the help of computers are involved in analyzing problems, developing solutions, formulating, testing of various tools & techniques.


12th in any stream


  • Copy of mark sheet of 10th and 12th class.
  • Migration Certificate (in original)
  • Transfer Certificate (in original)
  • Character Certificate (in original)
  • 5 Photographs of candidate
  • 1 Photograph of Father and 1 of Mother.
  • Caste certificate in case of SC / ST / OBC category.
  • Minority certificate for minorities
  • Gap certificate in case of any gap during study.

Admission Procedure

Admissions to various courses of Oxford International College are based on merit positions on the basis of percentage of marks obtained by the student in the qualifying examination or as per the government directed procedures. The candidate is eligible to apply for the admission only when he/she fulfils the document requirements for the particular programme in which the admission is sought. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain all the relevant information about his/her eligibility. In case a student who is provisionally admitted on the basis of the information/documents furnished by him is found ineligible/fake, The Director/Principal reserves the right to cancel the admission without any intimation to the candidate.


The institute follows the provisions contained in the constitution of India and the decision of Supreme Court of India as applicable to self-financing educational institutions established and administered by MINORITY COMMUNITY.


The fee is non-refundable in case a student takes admission to any of the academic programs conducted by the institute and deposits the fee, but subsequently does not join the course or leaves the course during the Year/Semester.


If a candidate who has been granted admission, does not take admission, or takes admission but does not join the programmer, or having joined it, leaves it any time during the first semester, or does not appear in the first semester examination (due to any reason), he/she will cease to be a student of that course, and his/her admission will stand cancelled automatically. No fee will be refunded in such cases.


“If any incident of ragging comes to the notice of the authority, the concerned student shall be given liberty to explain and if his/her explanation is not found satisfactory, the authority would expel him from the Institution”.

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